DS3 .NET Software Development Kit  3.0.0
Provides access to the Spectra Logic DS3 API through .NET.
Ds3.Models.DetailedTape Class Reference


bool AssignedToStorageDomain [get, set]
long AvailableRawCapacity [get, set]
string BarCode [get, set]
Guid BucketId [get, set]
string DescriptionForIdentification [get, set]
DateTime EjectDate [get, set]
string EjectLabel [get, set]
string EjectLocation [get, set]
DateTime EjectPending [get, set]
bool FullOfData [get, set]
Guid Id [get, set]
DateTime LastAccessed [get, set]
string LastCheckpoint [get, set]
DateTime LastModified [get, set]
DateTime LastVerified [get, set]
DetailedTapeFailure MostRecentFailure [get, set]
Guid PartitionId [get, set]
TapeState PreviousState [get, set]
string SerialNumber [get, set]
TapeState State [get, set]
Guid StorageDomainId [get, set]
bool TakeOwnershipPending [get, set]
long TotalRawCapacity [get, set]
TapeType Type [get, set]
Priority VerifyPending [get, set]
bool WriteProtected [get, set]