DS3 .NET Software Development Kit  3.0.0
Provides access to the Spectra Logic DS3 API through .NET.
Ds3.Helpers.IJob Interface Reference

Provides a simple API to efficiently transfer objects for a bulk job. More...

Inheritance diagram for Ds3.Helpers.IJob:
Ds3.Helpers.IBaseJob< IJob, string >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Ds3.Helpers.IBaseJob< IJob, string >
TSelf WithMaxParallelRequests (int maxParallelRequests)
 Must always be called before the Transfer method. More...
TSelf WithCancellationToken (CancellationToken cancellationToken)
 Must always be called before the Transfer method. More...
void Transfer (Func< TItem, Stream > createStreamForTransferItem)
 Performs all GETs or PUTs for the job (depending on the type of job). More...
- Properties inherited from Ds3.Helpers.IBaseJob< IJob, string >
Guid JobId [get]
 The id that allows the client to track job status and recover or delete jobs in the case of a failure during transfer. More...
string BucketName [get]
 The name of the bucket that this job is transferring to. More...
- Events inherited from Ds3.Helpers.IBaseJob< IJob, string >
Action< long > DataTransferred
 Fires handlers with the amount of additional data that's been transferred when a part of a job is transferred. More...
Action< TItem > ItemCompleted
 Fires handlers with the name of each transferred item as their transfers finish. More...

Detailed Description

Provides a simple API to efficiently transfer objects for a bulk job.

See also
IDs3ClientHelpers.StartWriteJob, IDs3ClientHelpers.StartReadJob